Suffering Love

Life begins and ends with pain.
Life begins and ends with pain. We cry when we are born, and our family and friends cry when we die. In between, we face a cruel world that never fights fair. You know how just about everyone hates pain, wonders why we suffer, and asks why a good God allows suffering? Well, Suffering Love affirms the truth that everyone does suffer, it is normal, and offers relevant wisdom for today to help you live through the pain, knowing that God knows what is going on and will never leave you.
Suffering Love offers hope for tomorrow so we can understand how God is actively redeeming our suffering making our lives even more beautiful than they would be without the spiritual blessing of suffering. Suffering need not be wasted. It can lead us into deeper connection, stronger character, and ultimate fulfillment of our hope. “Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children” (Rev. 21:7). Suffering Love is the third installment in the Warrior Bride Trilogy.